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Friday 5 February 2016

My Story - The Monochrome Sky

Chapter 1

Tsuna stared far into the end of the horizon, to the stretched sky above his head. His eyes lacked life, as if he was bored of everything. Of anything.
But when the shining diamond shone at the end of the horizon between the vibrant earth and the pastel sky, his lips twitched a smile. Even for a minute, a serene facade lingered there, on that apathetic face.
He basked in the sun shining in front of him, uncaring of the precarious height of the metal fence he perched on. With his legs dangling back and forth, he was fixated on the beautiful scene in front of him, beautiful orange hue with purple and pink coloring the clouds. It was a sight photographers could only wish to be able to accurately portray.
He vaguely wished for time to stop and allow him to enjoy this moment a bit longer. Not that he didn't want to go back on the ground. It's just… he didn’t want to, not yet.
His fingers gripped the weaving of the fence. He appreciated the view once more before checking the time on his wrist watch. Oh, it's already 6:30, maybe Mom will nag at me when I reach home late.
Tsuna gave a last look at the bright shining sun that begun to rise. A rare smile tugged at his lips, awkward in its disuse. The clouds slowly drifted away like steam and the city view became clear.
It was a nice day today, and Tsuna hoped the rest of the day would be as peaceful and quiet as now.
Then, he jumped.
Blood rushed through his adrenaline filled body, with nerves tingling in his spine and he closed his eyes in bliss. A warm feeling burned inside him, fiery, yet maybe not quite. This hobby of his - only hobby, really - always lifted his spirits.
When he opened his eyes, the ground was less than 10 meters away. Experience led him into smooth moonsaults coupled with a landing of bent legs to absorb the impact, then transitioned to smooth and graceful steps.
He pocketed his hands inside of his pants before taking a light run to his home, the abandoned area growing distance behind him. Brown locks bounced with his steps, apathy back on his face with a small frown, his smile gone.
Tsuna glanced to his side, previously empty but was now filled by Sasagawa Ryouhei, one of his seniors at Namimori Middle, captain of the boxing club. Though not overly large, his overwhelming presence and loud nature tended to make people twitchy.
Tsuna didn’t give him any attention other than a nod for greeting, focusing more on the rhythm of his jogging.
The volume made him wince and with a reflex, he side stepped, creating distance between them to spare his own ears from exploding.
"No, thank you," Tsuna replied, voice barely heard. Ryouhei’s bright expression gained a taint of dejection.
"I see.” The boxer let out a soft sigh, surprisingly quiet. Now if he could maintain that normal pitch, maybe they would be able to interact better… maybe…
There, the loudness came back and Tsuna had to repress a sigh.
He gave him a curt nod and a side glance, again.
As Ryouhei shouted something about “practicing to the extreme,” Tsuna could only stare at his back with a blank face as he ran off, his fists periodically punching the air to emphasize his yells.
Not that he gave a damn.
"Tsu-kun, is that you?" Sawada Nana popped her head out from the kitchen when she heard the front entrance opening. At the door taking off his shoes, her son looked up and gave her a minute nod.
"I'm back, mom." Tsuna said with his ever present quietness.
Nana beamed him a warm smile. "Breakfast?"
He nodded once again as he plodded up the stairs leading to his room. "Give me a few minutes."
She hummed in reply. Her darling son really didn’t know how to express his emotions properly. It had been since… since when? She gazed through the glass door in the living room. It was hard to believe that he was like that for most of his life, almost 10 years.  A sigh left her lips, one she had no idea she was capable of creating.
"Maybe he’ll smile again if he makes a friend or two… perhaps." No, she thought. Not if, but when. Her son would surely make some friends when the time came. Nana just hoped they would see the good side of her son eventually and stay by his side forever.
"Mom, I'll be back late again, I want to buy something and go up the mountain after school," Tsuna told Nana when he finished his meal while readying for school. Nana smiled gently to her son; even with his lack of emotions, he always informed her of his whereabouts.
"Be careful." She waved to her lovely son, who gave her his usual nod and went out the door to school.
Tsuna walked through the school entrance with his standard air of boredom while yawning, his hands inside his pants pockets and his school bag dangling on his right shoulder. With his eyes he searched the members of disciplinary committee who were standing on guard at the school gate. The DC’s duty was to ‘discipline’ – which was simply another word for ‘beat up and hospitalize’ – every student who dared to defy school regulations, working under the name of Hibari Kyouya.
His line of sight migrated to the front when he didn't see the head prefect and the president of that said committee at the front gate. He didn't really care, but catching Hibari’s attention always led to something bad. The rumours about him made Tsuna's lips twitch for a moment. It was amazing how ridiculous some of them were. Maybe he was just misunderstood, and if they could communicate better, Hibari and Tsuna could become close friends… not.
"Look, it's Creepy-Tsuna!"
"He’s such a waste of space when he's here."
"Ha, yeah. Do us all a favor and stay at home."
There they go, all the gossipers. One would think they’d get tired of this day after day, but apparently he was just that entertaining. That, or they had nothing else better to do, which was rather depressing.
Tsuna ignored the surrounding prattle and made his way to class. The looks he got from each classmate -if they bothered to look at all- were of disgust and scorn. He walked toward his seat at the back of the class near the window, tossed his bag to the floor and sat down, chin cradled in his palm as he faced outside.
Even when the teacher came in, his eyes didn't leave the outside view. He liked the sky. It's blue. It's pretty. It's beautiful. It's warm in it's own way. With all the different weather, with all the different birds and insects, with all that came and went and came and went again, it was always present, accepting everything, embracing everything.
"Sawada Tsunayoshi, is my class that boring to you?"
Tsuna turned his head towards the teacher, and he shook his head slowly. "No."
"So, why are you not paying any attention to the lesson?"
His classmates sneered.
Unaffected, he bowed as well as he could in his chair. "Sorry, sensei.”
"Just pay attention, your grades are already bad." The teacher was appeased when Tsuna bowed, and he continued his lesson.
Tsuna could only listen for a few minutes before giving in to the urge to look away, his undivided attention on the sky once more.
A pair of hazel eyes stared at Tsuna from behind a thick text book standing upright. They doubted Tsuna was aware that he was an inspiration to the owner of the eyes.
A shiver ran down Tsuna’s neck. He turned and connected gazes with the staring pair of eyes. Tsuna gave him a curt nod and returned to his earlier activity, not catching a strained smile from the one he gave a nod to.
The bell signalled the end of class and the teacher wrapped up by assigning a handful of homework. As his daily lunch break routine, he headed up the stairs to the rooftop.
He opened the door to the rooftop slowly. A gust of wind rushed to him, making him stumble as he stepped outside. He walked to the end of the roof and peeked over the fence to the ground. Students milled about, eating and goofing off with their friends.
It’s fine this way.
He didn't want to be grouping together with them. He preferred to be alone. He didn't have to put a mask to his face to smile. He didn't have to lie to save himself.
He’s fine this way.
He then lay down to the floor with one of his hand under his head and the other on his stomach, staring at the sky.
He liked it after all.
The head prefect a.k.a Hibari Kyouya stared at him from on top the entrance structure. Tsuna woke up and sat facing the head prefect.
"Me?" Tsuna gave him his blank look.
"The roof is off limits to students."
"You’re a student too."
"I'm this school's law."
Steel eyes flashed. "I'll bite you to death."
The head prefect jumped down from his place and marched towards Tsuna. Tsuna stood up with trepidation, the bad news coming towards him at the highest speed. But for some reason, Hibari didn't scare him at all. Gripped in his hands with intensity are the infamous steel tonfas, his signature weapon used to “bite” rulebreakers to death. A wave of killer intent flowing from him mad Tsuna's lips twitch into a slight smile, and Hibari eyed him warily though not stopping his steps.
A swing of hard metal to his face made Tsuna take a step backwards and catch the end of a tonfa. A sliver of excitement shined in Hibari’s eyes.
"Hn." Tsuna sidestepped the other tonfa aimed at his stomach and released his tonfa, Hibari going down to his knees from a kick to his right leg. Hibari then gave a round kick but Tsuna managed to jump backwards a few steps away. His lips curved up slightly, replacing his frown.
Hibari stared at the brunet in front of him. For the first time, there was a smile on his face, no sign of his everyday impassivity.
"Fight me." Hibari demanded him.
"No." Tsuna's excitement started to fade away again.
Hibari surged to Tsuna, tonfa quickly approaching Tsuna's face but received a kick to his stomach instead, making him stumble backwards.
"I said, I don't want to fight you,” Tsuna said, exasperation clear in his tone, but sighed at the bloodlust from the raven. Hibari charged. Tsuna observed the scene in front of him like a slow motion, he could see clearly Hibari's steps towards him making him wonder why he was so aggressive in the first place.
"Fight me." Hibari swung his tonfas with ferocious speed but Tsuna dodged it all easily.
A fist connected with Hibari’s face, much to his surprise. A foot pinned down his side  and prevented his attempt at dodging and the prefect received the knuckles flat to his face, sending him backwards once again.
"You're interesting." Hibari wiped at blood sliding down from his right nostril with the back of his hand.
"I'm sorry, here." Tsuna handed out a handkerchief toward Hibari, but he refused, grunting.
Tsuna sighed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He walked towards the door and was gone.
Hibari stared at the back of the brunet until he was gone behind the door, ideas of following and biting the disrespectful herbivore –but was he really? – gone from his head. He looked at the handkerchief that Tsuna left before he walked away, and smirked.
These days were going to be interesting.

Soooo~ if you're interested, you can read it at here.. 

Hope you guys enjoy it.. (^o^)/

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