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Friday 5 February 2016

My Story - My Coffee Prince...?

Chapter 1.
On the corner of Namimori’s Streets, facing the not-too-busy street, there’s one coffee shop that’s ran  by a bunch of good-looking guys. It had become famous in almost only one night due to the result of their good-looking-waiter boys. They are famous for their finely nice hand-coffee-maker. Though  the old folks and teen girls are always poking their nose in there just to see the bishies in action. *cough*  The waiters entertaining their guest just by smiling-killer-smiles.
The sound of bell at the front door echoed through the small space of the cafe. A nice smell of roasted coffee and pastry ran through the air when the door to the famous cafe( named Arcobaleno) every time it opened. The group of handsome and gorgeous boys greeted the customers from the doorway. Their same attire was  just like a butler; with a white long sleeve shirt, matched with a  black vest and a thin ribbon to tie it all together, with black pants, black shoes and a waist to knee-length apron. They were all famous with their individual character, personality and with the same trademark smiles. One of the rumored waiters approached with his selling smile that was refreshing and soothing, greeted the customer that coming in. His soft, dirty, brown, straight hair. that reached his chin and a bit long at the back that reach to his shoulder. bounce slightly with his tilted head to the side making a cute gesture.
"Welcome to our cafe!" He recited the usual greeting to welcome the customer that smiled back at him.
"Table for two please," the customer that just came in said. She has a shoulder length brown hair, accompanied with short fringe that was  beautifully cut straight on her eyebrow. Her lips that covered by pale pink lipstick, cracked into a soft smile as she beamed at the waiter that had greeted her. The white frilly dress she was wearing matched perfectly with her black leggings and her black boots.
"Of course, come this way please." He bows slightly before escorting his customer to the table near the window that wasn’t to far away from the entrance. "Please take a seat, miss," He point at the chair in front of him before the customer smiled at him and sat down.
"What would you like to order, miss?" he asked the beautiful woman before him after he gave her the Menu for their cafe.
"Could you please give me a cappuccino?" she smile gently to the waiter as she slapped the menu book close.
"Right away, miss," he bows slightly again before retreating from the table.
"Tsuna-nii," the waiter arrived at the counter and called for the older brunet that waited inside the counter for the order while wiping the goblets gently that were  scattered before him. Tsuna gave him a gentle smile while he place the goblet from his hand up to his head. The place where the goblet hung upside down in a line nicely around the counter. His appearance was the same- with the dark brown hair, but slightly different with his vest that has thin white strips that were vertical, his defied gravity brown hair that was slightly lighter from the others and he wore a pair of glasses that were propped on his nicely shape nose.
"Yes?" he asked.
"A cappuccino for the lovely lady over there," he pointed his chin cutely to the direction he came from. Tsuna took a quick glance at the lady before he smiled and nodded.
There weren't many customers at the moment; only a few of school girls in the corner discussing something, a man drinking coffee while reading the newspaper near the entrance, and a couple sitting near the windows laughing happily.
"Where's Mukuro, Fuuta?" Tsuna asked as he gave Fuuta the cappuccino. The teen only shrugs and shakes his head. Tsuna sighed. He fully understands that friend of his. Always skips his work for doing his usual thing. Peeking at his favorite girl next door! Huh! Tsuna had a war inside his mind about Mukuro.
Once again the doorbell ringing shattered whatever kind of war that Tsuna was having mentally  with Mukuro inside his head. His eyes automatically following the cute little girl that just came in with Fuuta escorting her. Her big eyes sparkle and the smile on her lips mesmerize Tsuna. The brunet froze as his eyes felt like they where glued to the cute girl that walked towards her friend that already waiting, waving for her arrival.
"Tsuna-nii?" Fuuta's voice shifted his gaze to him. The playful smile on Fuuta's lips had Tsuna's cheeks blushing. The younger teen had been with his older brother forever, even the slightly changed of mood from his brother he'd come to notice it in an instant.
"Sorry," Tsuna smiles shyly with flushed cheeks. A bit embarrassed to be caught by the younger teen."What's the order?" he ask the teen.
"Oh, lemon tea for the cute lady," Fuuta placed the order before him, Tsuna nods. This was the first time that he looked like that, Fuuta chuckled softly trying to hide it from his older brother.
"Tsuna, why did your face so red?" Mukuro's voice whispered in Tsuna's left ear startling him. He jumped slightly to the right side avoiding Mukuro's blue hair that tickled his ear.
Tsuna sighed, "Where are you hiding until now, Mukuro?" trying to hide his embarrassment with his scowl look towards a bit older teen. Mukuro just laugh it off.

"Kufufufu.. I just come back from sending my lady to her cram school, dear Tsuna," Mukuro smiled and trying to kiss the angry Tsuna's cheek, but the brunet luckily avert it off with his palm right at Mukuro's face make him stop in that spot. The said lady is her sister, a five years younger from him. The also indigo haired teen just like his brother but with a black patch at her right eye. The usually ire chuckled brother is overly protected towards his sister actually make Tsuna proud at him.

"This is a work place, Mukuro-kun. Please behave." Tsuna flicked Mukuro's forehead send the older teen backward a step with his usually chuckled voice.

"Ouch," Mukuro rubs his forehead that became slightly red while chuckled happily. Don't really care for the harsh treat that he always received from the brunet. He used to it actually that make it a scary statement. Tsuna immediately distance himself from the perverted teen while handing Fuuta a glass of lemon tea. The younger teen walked away wear a gentle smile on his face towards his customer.

"Where's, Kyoya?" Mukuro asked while scanned the entire cafe' searching for the raven hair kid that always run from him when seeing him. The result after their rash argument a few days ago, which being calmed down by the small brunet that send the two older teen to their sense with knocking their hard head. The first time ever their seen the brunet got angry which send a shivers down to their spine. Even when the blue hair teen brush it off with his usual chuckled, didn't make him got his usual cheerful smile back until he admitted their rudeness. And the raven hair teen just gave him his usual 'hn'ed tone and walk away in silent that not usually like him at all.

"Oh, Kyoya take a day of today, he have an appointment." The brunet explained to him. Mukuro's nod quietly. He look at the calendar, 'oh, it's that time already,' he mumbled to himself.


Ahahahaha... what do you think~? if you wanna read more, just visit me at

arrivederci~ (^o^)/

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